About the Emergency Support Fund

The Emergency Support Fund provides support to nonprofits directly responding to emergencies or disasters impacting the Shelby community. Donations to the Fund will support organizations providing essential services and support to residents.

Pandemic / Disaster Caused Crisis
Addressing Immediate Community Need
Eliminate Barriers
Quick Turn Around Time

Purpose of Fund:
Provide emergency funds immediately to local food pantries and nonprofits who serve Shelby residents.

How will dollars be raised to support Emergency Support Fund?
The Shelby Foundation Board of Directors has committed to match dollar for dollar up to $10,000 to kickstart fund. Community members are encouraged to donate. If the community does not donate up to the matched amount, The Shelby Foundation may still contribute $10,000 to fund.

In case of future crises, the fund may be replenished by the Foundation, and/or promote additional community fundraising efforts.

How will funds be allocated?
Funds will be released on a rolling basis as needs emerge and fundraising permits to local nonprofits providing critical services. Funds can be used for needs that are known today and needs that may arise in weeks or months down the road.

What will not be funded?
During times of duress, the Foundation understands needs of all types may arise. The Board of Directors is committed to utilizing fund to help with programming and projects to address immediate concerns. Grants from the Emergency Support Fund will not be awarded for payroll, capital improvements, operating expenses or lost revenue from planned fundraisers.

Who will administer the Emergency Support Fund?
The Shelby Foundation Board of Directors will administer grants from the Emergency Support Funds on a rolling basis during times of need, allowing for necessary resources to be available in the most responsive manner possible.

How should nonprofits apply for Emergency Funding?
Nonprofits are required to complete a short form grant application. This will provide the Foundation Board the ability to better understand underlying need and how funds will be used. Documentation of how funds were spent will be required.

To be considered to receive funds from the Emergency Support Fund of The Shelby Foundation,
please submit a grant application.